Japan's Online Shopping Market, Fake Goods Flooded, Shoes And Clothes Bags Accounted For 70%.
In recent years, e-commerce has become more and more popular in Japan. However, the virtual network of deep sea has caused some illegal businesses to seize the loopholes, and fake and shoddy goods have been on the Internet for a time. Among these fake and shoddy products, Bag Shoes, sunglasses, clothing, hats and other clothing items account for 70%.
according to Japan The national life center announced that consumer complaints were the largest number of counterfeit goods in 2013 over the years. The commodities in the related reports involve luxury brands. Cargo Copyright infringement of One Piece pirated DVD and counterfeit drugs. Data showed that there were 1150 complaints in 2004, 1846 in 2010, 2446 in 2011, 3107 in 2012, and 4360 in 2013.
Among these fake and shoddy products, clothing, shoes, sunglasses, clothing, hats and other clothing accounted for 70%, followed by computer software, sporting goods, musical instruments and other entertainment products, reaching 19%. Food and health care products are 6%, including health products, medicines and cosmetics, which will be directly smeared on the skin or absorbed by the body. Therefore, consumers will not only be damaged in money, but also health concerns.
The development of online shopping through the Internet is the relevant background of this phenomenon. With regard to the purchase of fake and shoddy commodities, 10% of physical stores occupy 85.6% of the fake and shoddy commodities bought through online shopping and auction. Especially in recent years, the popularity of smart phones is more convenient, and the popularity of online shopping is increasing. Looking back at the data of the previous years, consumers spent 47% and 39.7% in physical stores and online shopping in 04 years. The proportion of physical stores and networks in the 05 years was 41.9% and 46.1%, respectively, and the network began to attack counterattacks. Since then, the proportion of Internet trade has been increasing.
For example, there are consumers who buy very cheap golf clubs on the Internet, though they are obviously fake products, but businesses do not return them. Some businesses sell fake One Piece DVD and sell them as genuine. In addition, consumers can buy fake products through online shopping. Apart from their interests, they may also disclose important personal information such as addresses and bank cards to illegal businesses. The national life center reminds you that if a business phone is unknown and suspicious, it is better for consumers not to use it.
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Italy's famous brand Salvatore Ferragamo recently released its first three quarters financial report, its revenue grew by 5% over the same period last year, reaching 957 million euros. Profit and income growth rate is similar.
The report points out that sales growth in the first 3 quarters of this year is impressive, as sales in the same period in 2013 increased by 10% over the previous year (2012), when the growth of the Chinese market was one of the main drivers.
Ferragamo's European revenue increased by 7%, but the company said two factors had affected its sales revenue growth. First, the current geopolitical conflict in Europe has led to a decrease in the number of people travelling to Europe, and the other is Europe's continuing economic difficulties.
Data showed that sales of handbags and leather accessories increased by 13%.
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